Thursday, July 9, 2009

Popcorn Makers Add A Excitement To Any Movie Night

By Matthew Penrod

Evolution of popcorn makers have come a long way. For the most part, the original making of popcorn happened on an open fire. The hard kernels were heated until they popped in a metal container placed on an open flame. After the discovery of electricity, popcorn makers advanced greatly.

While camping, in most situations, electric popcorn makers are not used. The reason being, old style camping introduces how to live off of the land with no modern privileges. Therefore, the earliest popcorn making techniques are exercised. Included with this, is the soaking of kernels of corn in butter. Then sizzling the kernels over an open flame until the heat becomes hot enough to pop the kernels into a nice, enjoyable snack for the whole family.

Ultimately, movie theater pop corn is the best. These style of popping units are available at some outings, and car dealerships. This cheap snack is used to hand out to people while they are waiting on a loan approval. Other uses that apply, are at car shows. The snacks are given to spectators as a benefit of paying to look at antique and classic cars. While people are mesmerized by the vehicles they can walk around and enjoy pop corn at the same time.

Typically, the industrial pop corn makers do make the best popcorn. If a person is trying to match the taste of this popcorn while at home, their work is cut out for them. There are types of packaged popcorn that can be purchased labeled "movie theater popcorn", however the only way to really match this type of treat is to make a very large batch. Most people do not have these in the home, which is the reason people still visit the movie theater.

One less popular method of popcorn making used to be completely experimental, but more and more people are doing it know. This is the solar powered popcorn maker. While constructing a solar powered popcorn maker, a person just makes a funnel out of card board that can be closed to fit inside the steel container that holds the kernels. Then the funnel gets wrapped in tin foil and set in the sun. Use heavy thermo gloves while using this method, the funnel reaches degrees that will burn the skin easily.

The least expensive method of having and making plenty of popcorn is to buy the kernels in bulk. These are available is one pound or larger bags. Then make sure there is plenty of butter available, and the family can enjoy popcorn anytime, regardless of which style of popping it is chosen. Also there are cheese powders available, and fat free butter in a powder form. These are supposed to be healthier, but definitely not better for the popcorn.

New household popcorn makers generally do not take the time of older popcorn makers. Sometimes through perfection takes time. Keep this in mind while evaluating your method of making popcorn. Decide which is better and stick with it. Sometimes new things are not as reliable as the old appliances. Advice given, do not change a tried and true method of making popcorn, unless the old maker wears old or breaks. Then the old popcorn makers cannot be found on a shelf of a department store. So you will have to look at auctions or yard sales in order to replace your old popcorn maker.

Eating popcorn has always been popular and always will be. This snack brings families together and always will remain a family tradition.

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