Friday, September 4, 2009

Ideas for Healthy Breakfast Foods

By Pablo Escobar

You should never skip out on breakfast, being the most important meal of the day. It is important to watch what you eat for breakfast too, eat something healthy otherwise you will just end up hungry again in a couple of hours. Eat something that will last until you are ready to eat lunch.

The most common breakfast food has to be cold cereal. When choosing a cereal, be sure not to get one that has a lot of sugar and is high in fat.

In order to make cereal an even healthier breakfast you should add low fat milk and fruit. A great option is oatmeal with blueberries and milk. Adding some protein in the form of a hard boiled egg or peanut butter on toast would also make the breakfast a bit more filling.

There are many different way to keep the fat content low when cooking eggs. You can also put your eggs on a piece of toast to get some carbs in your meal.

Adding some veggies to you eggs is also a healthy choice and can spice up the eggs. Because of the protein in the eggs are very filling. Boil up some eggs and keep them in the fridge for days where you don't have a lot of time.

If you are like me and can't eat a lot right when you get up, try eating something small and then eat something for brunch.

You can also pack in your brief case a small packet of instant oatmeal and heat it up when you get to the office. Throw some strawberries in it to make it a complete breakfast.

There are also a lot of grab and go options on the market these days. These include cereal bars and prepared smoothies. Just be sure that you choose an option that doesn't have a ton of sugar and that isn't very full of fat. You want to make sure it has plenty of fiber and protein so that it will be filling and keep you from getting hungry again right away.

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