Thursday, September 17, 2009

Amazing Ways To Make Food More Healthy

By Fiona Wyresdle

Many diet guru's fume on about how dreadful refined sugar is for you. To such an extent that numerous persons judge this substance to be toxic. The American Department of Agriculture doesn't agree, and numerous other health food experts what's more don't agree. To be on the safe side and make sure you and your family knows what is going into their treats, do your own healthy cooking and baking and don't purchase commercial cookies or cakes.

More nourishing ways of replacing the empty calories of sugar are available, and even experts who are friendlier toward sugar agree. Baking and healthy cooking at home is a system to keep your family happy and healthy. It is a simple matter to discover healthy recipes without anyone knowing different. Simply do it when no-one is looking and you will get away with it!

Home cooking is essential to get your children eating healthy, and there are many short cuts you can use to get them to eat vegetables. I used to trick my kids by grating carrot, pumpkin or marrow into dishes for instance hamburger, spaghetti sauces, chili and meatloaf.

Ad grated carrot of pumpkin to your baking, it works well with cakes and there is nothing quite as delicious as carrot cake or muffins. Pumpkin works in a similar way and it is great in breads. It is a sweet vegetable, so it also sweetens your cooking. Add extras such as mixed seeds, including pumpkin and sunflower.

Good or bad, refined sugar has been given a bad image by health pundits. Although just think of this, the only real documented research regarding how bad sugar can be for you, is related to tooth decay.

You possibly will still use sugar and cook in a healthy way, anything in moderate amounts is not dreadful for us. It is really not needed to get up on a soap box and make sugar the reason for being the root of all evil.

Take for example red wine and the fact that drinking a glass a day is able to extend life, and prevent all kinds of dreaded diseases as a consequence of the high Resevratrol content. And the best Resevratrol can only be found in the best concentrations if you drink red wine, because of the alcohol, and these two substances working hand-in-hand. Even the FDA admits that alcohol is bad for you, but red wine in moderation is highly advisable for good health.

Healthy cooking and good health is achieved and maintained by way of good common sense. Knowing a little about the calories and nutrients in food is somewhat important. However one good rule of thumb, is "if grandma wouldn't recognize it, don't eat it, it won't be good for you".

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