Sunday, September 13, 2009

Coffee Pods

By Courtney Pox

Before you should think about purchasing coffee pods, you'll need to get yourself a coffee pod brewer. This will all have to be done before you can begin making coffee with coffee pods, of course. You'll want to do some research on the matter as not all coffee pods are exactly the same. There are different sizes of pods, and though the differences are marginal, it does make a difference in what will fit. Also, some brewers allow more than one pod to be used at once, which may be of use to you. The best way to make the determination will be to check your brewer's capacity against the grams per pod of the coffee pod and make sure they match.

Different Sized Coffee Pods

Most coffee pods brewers can hold pods between four and nine grams, though there are many that can hold pods that contain up to twelve grams of coffee. In some cases, it is required to pre-infuse the larger coffee pods. Although pre-infusing sounds very technical, it's really nothing more than wetting the pod before placing it in the brewer. It is generally impossible to tell just by looking whether your pod will fit your machine. This is because all coffee pods currently on the market are between 55 and 61 mm, which is not easily discerned by the human eye.

What Are T-Discs and K-Cups

T-Discs and K-Cups are also available as alternatives to coffee pods. Unlike coffee pods, these can't be made by just anyone. To legally market them, a company would need permission and a license, which means selection for these two types are far more limited. It's also worth mentioning that T-Discs are not Kosher.

Tassimo T-Discs

T-Discs only work in the Tassimo Hot Beverage Machines, and the Tassimo Hot Beverage Machines only use T-Discs. There are some marked advantage to T-Discs over coffee pods or K-Cups, however. When one buys T-Discs to make cappuccino, for instance, they'll receive a package with separate groups of discs; some discs for milk, and containing coffee. While this may seem like a less convenient method, it does give the Tassimo system the flexibility to offer not only coffee, but latte, cappuccino, and even hot chocolate, complete with a frothy topping.

Should You Coffee Pods, T-Discs, Or K-Cups?

Research is key before deciding between coffee pods, K-Cups, and T-Discs. Thought and research are in order here, and before buying, you should know exactly what it is you plan to brew.

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