Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Good And Delicious Method Of Preparing Food With Cooking Tagines

Feeling bored with the usual barbeque and picnic food? Perhaps it’s time you think about using cooking tagines to come up with something else for a change?

What Is A Tagine Cooking Pot?

A tagine is basically a North African dish which uses a special pot to cook with. So here’s where you get the name of the pot which is usually known as a Morocco tagine. Well, first of all, tagine cooking pots are used for cooking stews. These cooking tagines are customarily made of heavy clay. Some pots have been glazed which will give it a nice glossy look while others have not. The tagine cooking pots are made out of 2 parts. The base which is mostly circular with low sides and a cover which is cone shaped with a knob at the end. The knob makes it easier for you to raise the cover when cooking to check the dish. The cone shape design means the hot air will condense once it reaches the top and slides back down to the base so the dish won’t dry up so fast.

Read entire article from this link - http://bit.lylFLWzb

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