Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Can I Cook With The Ingredients I Have In My Fridge

By Mike Shaw

If you are like most people, you're wondering what can I cook with the ingredients I have. This happens to the best of us. In fact, the busy lifestyles we all lead leave us often not having enough time to do the proper grocery shopping should be doing.

Regardless of the reason, there are certainly things that you can find in your refrigerator that can resolve your problem for the night. For example, many of us keep meat in our freezers. For this example, let's say you have kept some ground meat, it doesn't matter what type.

Of course, this will be the foundation. Ground meat sauce, very quickly in the microwave. Once the meat is completely thawed, putting it together with other ingredients you're sure to have in your home, you can easily prepare a meal loaf. Now, all that is required is a side dish. Again, the majority of us always have some type of starches, like potatoes or rice in our homes. So, you can easily prepare rice in less than half an hour, or even microwave some potatoes for a quick baked potato.

Now cut up some vegetables for good salad. If you don't have anything, check your pantry for a can of vegetables.

The truth is, we don't allot enough time to do the appropriate shopping and cooking, partly because we don't have the time. Or perhaps we don't want to devote any time to it. However, surely there are items that you have purchased in the past either sitting in your pantry or in your freezer. So for days like these, you should always ensure that you have canned vegetables and beans to provide you with the essential vitamins and great side dishes.

Furthermore, always have frozen goods that can easily and quickly be thawed and cooked quickly, as well. Other than ground beef, steaks and chops, as well is fish are good options. Having these on hand, you will always be set to put a meal together in less than an hour.

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