Would you like to spend less on groceries every week and have some extra money? There are just five basic strategies you need to know to save hundreds of dollars a month:
1. Never pay full price. Sale prices may be teasers from time to time, but for the most part "sale" items are a good value. Generally sale items are between 40-60% off the full shelf price for most products. Make an effort to buy only sale items and you will reduce your grocery expenses by 50%.
2. Ditch brand loyalty. Brands can be more expensive than generics: use unit pricing to compare and select the cheapest option. You can pocket an extra 10% if you are willing to compare and make smart choices.
3. Use grocery discount coupons. Yes, I know they are a pain, but they are also exceptional money savers and free if you print them online. If someone is going to hand you a dollar wouldn't you take it? Coupons are offers to hand you money for a purchase, use them to your advantage.
4. Use double or triple coupons with store specials for stellar savings. Using this combination savings strategy is how you will save the most on your grocery bills. You may be surprised to know that free items and deep discounts are available when you take the time to match your coupons with store sales.
5. Get those rain checks when prices are low. You will notice that products that end up being on sale with current coupons are very often out of stock. If the sale is not limited to stock on hand, then get a rain check to lock your savings in. You can use your rain checks at any time in the next few weeks to still capture your savings.
If you follow just these few suggestions while grocery shopping, you will very easily end up saving hundreds of dollars a month with very little effort. The name of the game is to keep organized, know your savings strategies and execute the plan.
1. Never pay full price. Sale prices may be teasers from time to time, but for the most part "sale" items are a good value. Generally sale items are between 40-60% off the full shelf price for most products. Make an effort to buy only sale items and you will reduce your grocery expenses by 50%.
2. Ditch brand loyalty. Brands can be more expensive than generics: use unit pricing to compare and select the cheapest option. You can pocket an extra 10% if you are willing to compare and make smart choices.
3. Use grocery discount coupons. Yes, I know they are a pain, but they are also exceptional money savers and free if you print them online. If someone is going to hand you a dollar wouldn't you take it? Coupons are offers to hand you money for a purchase, use them to your advantage.
4. Use double or triple coupons with store specials for stellar savings. Using this combination savings strategy is how you will save the most on your grocery bills. You may be surprised to know that free items and deep discounts are available when you take the time to match your coupons with store sales.
5. Get those rain checks when prices are low. You will notice that products that end up being on sale with current coupons are very often out of stock. If the sale is not limited to stock on hand, then get a rain check to lock your savings in. You can use your rain checks at any time in the next few weeks to still capture your savings.
If you follow just these few suggestions while grocery shopping, you will very easily end up saving hundreds of dollars a month with very little effort. The name of the game is to keep organized, know your savings strategies and execute the plan.
About the Author:
Spend less and save more moneyon your food bills. We'll teach you how to save money on groceries with coupons to save your family 80% off their food bills. Get our list of where to find printable internet grocery coupons to help you start saving.
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