Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Podcast About Brewing Beer Hits Two Year Anniversary

By Investigative Brew News

There is a CrAzY beer podcast, or BrewCast that has been going CrAzY promoting home brewing and craft beer for over two years. The show is BrewCrAzY which was started by John McKissack who is known all over the world as Johnny Max, or J-Max. he started the show with his CrAzY little dog, Captain Ron.

BrewCrAzY has been producing shows since July 6th 2005 and the shows are not just educational, that are very entertaining as well. BrewCrAzY has one focus and that is to teach the world about how to make beer, but not just make beer, but make Gold Medal Winning Beer! Not just Johnny, but most home brewers are a great people and they will bend over backwards to help others learn the craft and hand you a beer while doing it.

What is hard to believe is the fact that Johnny Max does all this for free. He told me he has spent thousands in equipment, software and advertising to promote home brewing. I spoke with Johnny Max and asked him why he does this for free. He said ?It is not about the money, it?s about promoting REAL beer!? He is not alone most other brewcasters out there on a regular schedule put in the time and money to broadcast shows about beer for free.

When you get Johnny Max talking about beer there is no shutting him up. He could talk for days on end about ?beer this? and ?beer that.? He explained all about beer history, beer science, beer flavors, beer pairing with food, beer brewing, beer recipes and on and on. This guy is ?Beer nuts,? ?Beer CrAzY or should I say ?Brew CrAzY!?

J-Max said he wanted to do a beer podcast ever since he first heard a show produced in the Land Down Under which by the way is the longest running Brewcast by far. Craft Brewer Radio hosted by Graham Sanders of North Queens Land, Australia motivated J-Max to put out his own show. Johnny contacted Graham Sander, also know as the Guru of the North, North Australia that is and Graham helped Johnny get going and boy did he get going. Go Johnny Go!

Just like Graham, Johnny encourages and helps other brewers to start their own show about beer and they are popping up everywhere. Home brewers are a friendly bunch and they promote the craft of making beer for free. There are a few companies that have shows and use them as a source of money, but most pay for everything out of their own pockets and they don't charge a penny. The shows with the most listeners are Craft Brewer Radio, BrewCrAzY, the Brew Bubbas and Yeast Slurry. My hat is off to these shows and I think they should be applauded for their contributions to beer!

BrewCrAzY is a little CrAzY at times, just like the name states, but their main purpose is to teach people how to make the best beer, wine, cider and mead possible. There was a new home brewer who listened to the first five BrewCrAzY shows and used what he learned and entered his first homebrew competition. He won a gold medal and took first place in his category. He not only won a gold medal, but won best of show! Best of show is the best of the best in the whole competition and there were over 1,000 beers entered in that competition. When asked about this, Johnny Max responded in a modest way saying "There is a lot of good information out there, I try to be a part of it. My main goal is to educate the next generation about what real beer is."

Behind the microphone Johnny Max slides into a personality of being braggadocios and loud and CrAzY, but in person he is a soft spoken man who is just laid back and enjoying life?s ride, while sipping on a home brewed beer. J-Max encompasses what draws so many people to the craft of brewing good beer?

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